Below you can click on and hear different sound clips that make up Team TKO's choreographed routine. Also, TKO team member's individual routine music will eventually be added as well, as internet sources for the music become available.

Team TKO's routine music is actually themed after the Apollo 11 voyage to the moon, but the opening launch sequence is from Apollo 13 the motion picture soundtrack. After Team TKO's ground launch sequence (Houston Flight Control checks), TKO's routine music switches to "Backdraft" the motion picture soundtrack. The song from the soundtrack is "Show Me Your Fire Truck".

Team member Troy Gunn first choreographed a team routine to this music in 1992, for his former team in Oregon "The Pacific Flyers", and then developed the routine even further for "Team Nemesis" and "Team TKO", after moving from Oregon to Texas in 1993. Team Nemesis and Team TKO have each won AKA National Championships with this music and routines (Team Nemesis 1995 and Team TKO 1996).

--TKO's ground launch sequence from Apollo 13 - "Apollo 13 Flight Controllers - Give me a "Go"..."No Go" for launch" (Part 1 - Wav Format).

--TKO's ground launch sequence from Apollo 13 - (Part 2 - Wav Format.

--TKO's ground launch sequence from Apollo 13 - (Part 3 - Wav Format).

--TKO's ground launch sequence from Apollo 13 - (Part 4 - Wav format).

--Team TKO's routine music, from the "Backdraft" the motion picture. The soundtrack is "Show Me Your Fire truck". (MP3 format)

--Team TKO's landing naration, "That's one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind"! (Wav format)

Click here for a partial Team TKO performance video!