John Clonts Biography
Name: John Clonts
Home: Temple, Texas - USA
Occupation: Computer software developer.
Years Flying Kites:
Since 2011
What sparked your interest:
In 2011, a co-worker had introduced me to sport kite flying, and I became hooked. I was asked to join the team, and have been performing with TKO Sport Kite Team since 2011.
Volunteer work in kiting:
John has given free kite flying lessons to all that are interested. John has been a judge at The American Kiteflier Association's Sport Kite National Championships.
What style kites do you fly?
Johns's kite flying specialties are flying dual-line individual routines choreographed to music, and sport kite team flying, also to music. However, John is interested in all aspects of kite flying and enjoys flying all types of kites.
Competition Highlights:
John has been flying sport kites and competing since 2012 in the following disciplines:
Individual Dual-line Precision and Ballet, Team Dual-line Ballet and Precision.
- AKA Grand Nationals Final Standings 2015:
2nd place - NIB
2nd place - NIP
- AKA Grand Nationals Final Standings 2012:
1st place - NIB
1st place - NIP
- Libertyfest Kite Fest 2012:
1st place - NIB
1st place - NIP
Events Attended:
- 2012 American Kitefliers Association Grand Nationals in Enid, Oklahoma.
- Trinity River Wind fest in Dallas, Texas (numerous times).
- Zilker Park Kite Festival in Austin, Texas.
- DFW Dragonboat, Kite, & Lantern festival in Las Colinas, Texas.
- Lubbock Kite Festival in Lubbock, Texas.
- Coyote Ranch Kite Fest in Wichita Falls, Texas.
- Cloud Buster Kite Fest at Mitchell RV RV Resort in Perrin, Texas.
- Heart of Texas Kite Fest in Waco, Texas.
- Etc..........